For all things Audi and VW TDI, is a one-stop haven. There you will find an abundance of useful info about your diesel, including buying guides, DIY advice and classifieds. The site is well-designed, with a menu that makes navigation very simple and direct. Shortcuts are listed to specific models for buying guides and DIY info, as well as a forum for meeting up with fellow diesel enthusiasts.

An FAQ / DIY directory with over one thousand answered questions takes you through each model and year, so you can find what you need easily, and also keeps the forum streamlined by avoiding redundant queries. This is where you’ll want to begin your visit.

A very innovative feature is the Wheel, Tire, Gearing Calculator link. For enthusiasts who plan to change from their OEM tires and wheels, this tool is invaluable for calculating the effects on such things as the speedometer and engine rpm.

Membership is free and registration is a snap. You can customize your profile to send and receive e-mail and private messages between other members and the administration staff; post photos of your diesel ride, and of course share information with the community.