TEAM MEMBER PROFILE - Glenn Kroeze, Service Manager

30 Years With Western Turbo…

It all started in the Summer of 1993, when diesel mechanic Glenn Kroeze was approached by Western Turbo to be a mechanic for the growing service business. Glenn started and soon one service bay became three service bays.  Glenn was one of the main reasons in 2005 to expand to the current 9 bay service Western Turbo building where Glenn became foreman. Shortly thereafter Glenn became the service manager – a role that Glenn excels in to this day.

“I really have enjoyed my journey with Western Turbo, it’s a great company to work for and has a stellar reputation in the industry” states Glenn.  “It’s how we treat customers and our fellow team members that makes the difference”.

Glenn knows that he and the team at Western focus on their experience and industry knowledge to help customers. He recalls a time when a woman brought her truck in that had low power issues, and through simple diagnosis found a loose fitting.  This was tightened and the customer was sent on her way - paying nothing for the service.

Glenn’s journey with Western Turbo is made easier by having the backing of the Western Turbo team.  "Everyone does their part to ensure that customers are looked after and treated to a positive experience." adds Glenn.

“It’s about the team” Glenn says.  “Their knowledge and ability makes my job easy”

30 years of service proves that point.